Department Of Mathematics

There is good scope in industrial world. The applications of mathematics is basic tool for any business start ups. As it is a core subject it plays very important role in research work in any interdisciplinary subjects.

  • Scope and Importance of Department

    There is good scope in industrial world. The applications of mathematics is basic tool for any business start ups. As it is a core subject it plays very important role in research work in any inter-diciplinary subjects.

    Introduction Of Department

    Name Of Department: Mathematics

    Head Of The Department: Nadgauda Namrata N.

    Year Of Establishment: 1999

  • Programmes/ Courses Offered (UG, PG, Short term, Career oriented, etc.)

    Following are the programmes/ courses offered by the department -

    Programmer Level Name of program/ course Duration Entry qualification Medium of instruction Academic year No. of students admitted
    1 F.Y.B.Sc 1 12 th pass English 2016-2017 11
    2 S.Y.B.Sc 1 F.Y.B.Sc pass English 2016-2017 10
    1 F.Y.B.Sc 1 12 th pass English 2017-2018 12
    2 S.Y.B.Sc 1 F.Y.B.Sc pass English 2017-2018 10
    1 F.Y.B.Sc 1 12 th pass English 2018-2019 10
    2 S.Y.B.Sc 1 F.Y.B.Sc pass English 2018-2019 07
    1 F.Y.B.Sc 1 12 th pass English 2019-2020 07
    2 S.Y.B.Sc 1 F.Y.B.Sc pass English 2019-2020 12
    1 F.Y.B.Sc 1 12 th pass English 2020-2021 19
    2 S.Y.B.Sc 1 F.Y.B.Sc pass English 2020-2021 11
  • Annual semester/choice based credit system/elective course Pattern (Programme Wise)

    Following are the credit system of department -

    Programme Pattern Year of Implementation Academic Year
    F.Y.B.Sc 2013 Jun. 2013 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019
    S.Y.B.Sc 2013 Jun. 2014 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
    F.Y.B.Sc 2019 Jun. 2019 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022
    S.Y.B.Sc 2019 Jun. 2020 2020-2021, 2021-2022
  • Number of Teaching and Non-teaching positions in the department

    Following are the positions of staff held in department -

    Designation Sanctioned Filled
    Asst. Prof. 01 01
  • Faculty Profile

    Following are the profiles of faculties of the department -

    Sr No Name Qualification Year Of Appointment Designation Specialization Teaching Experience in Years
    01 Mrs. Nadgauda Namrata N. M.Sc., M.Phil, B.Ed 1999 Assistant Professor Pure Mathematics 22 Years
  • Students Qualifying in State/National/International level examination (NET, SET, GATE, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL/UPSC/MPSC/State govemment examination, etc.)

    Following are the details of students for various examinations

    Registration No./Roll for the examination Number of students selected
    -- Nil
  • Student progression to higher studies- UG to PG

    Following are the details of students for various higher studies

    Program Graduated From Department Graduated from Student Name Name of the institute joined Name of the program admitted
    B.Sc. Mathematics Shaikh Mujahid Bhagwan college, Ashti, Dist-Beed M.Sc.
  • Placement of outgoing students (One Year)

    Following are the details of placements of students

    Sr.No. Contact detail Number of students placed Name of the employer with contact details Package received Program graduated from
    - - - - - -
  • List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department: Dr. Dharmadhikari, Renowned Professor Of Mathematics

  • Student profile programmer/course wise

    Following are the details of programmes for students

    Year Name of the Course/ program Applications received Enrolled Total number of Students
    *Male *Female
    2016-2017 F.Y.B.Sc 10 4 6 10
    2016-2017 S.Y.B.Sc 11 4 7 11
    2016-2017 F.Y.B.Sc 10 4 6 10
    2017-2018 F.Y.B.Sc 12 10 2 12
    2017-2018 S.Y.B.Sc 11 5 6 11
    2018-2019 F.Y.B.Sc 10 1 9 10
    2018-2019 S.Y.B.Sc 7 2 5 7
    2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc 12 5 7 12
    2019-2020 S.Y.B.Sc 11 4 7 11
    2020-2021 F.Y.B.Sc 19 10 9 19
    2020-2021 S.Y.B.Sc 8 6 2 8
    2021-2022 F.Y.B.Sc 21 11 10 21
    2021-2022 S.Y.B.Sc 14 8 6 14

    *M= Male *F = Female

  • Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

    1. PowerPoint presentation
    2. Use of Video Clips
    3. Project Work students seminars
    4. Field projects/Survey use of Adobe Acrobat reader
  • Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities

    1. IOAC member
    2. College examination officer
    3. Chairman of commities releated to women empowerment
  • Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities

    Students participate in social awerness program such as disaster management,road safty etc.
    Faculty and students participate in varies activities such as blood donation,NSS Camps.
    Promotes students activity them for participating youth festivals, sciences exhibitions, cultural activities etc.
  • SWOC analysis of the department:

    Future Plans: Make the students to learn and practice the mathematics related to competitive examination so that they can be able to make their future bright.

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