Bachelore Of Arts

  • Introduction

    A Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is an undergraduate academic degree that encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines within the humanities, social sciences, and liberal arts. This versatile program encourages students to explore diverse subjects such as literature, history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and the fine arts.

    Unlike more specialized degrees, a B.A. often emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and a well-rounded understanding of human culture and society. Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree engage in coursework that fosters effective communication, analytical skills, and a nuanced appreciation for the complexities of the human experience. The B.A. program not only provides a solid foundation for various career paths, including education, journalism, and the arts, but also encourages a lifelong commitment to intellectual curiosity and cultural understanding.

  • Following are the departments which falls under B.A.
    Political Science
  • Future Plans

    To start Post Graduate Course Economics

    Efforts to increase students facilities

    Developing research attitude among students

    To start Certificate Courses

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