Computer Science

The department of Computer Science was established in the year 2012 with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of computer science.

  • Introduction Of Department

    The department of Computer Science was established in the year 2012 with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of computer science. The department has modern facilities for teaching learning and research. Department takes care to ensure that the basic scientific principle of Computer Science are presented to the students and actively tries to point out the difference between the computation as a science and software. The support structure of the department provides all the required non-academic support to the students and the faculty.

    Name of the Department : Computer Science
    Year of establishment : UG-B.Sc.(Computer Science):2012-13
  • Names of programmes / courses offered

    Following are the programmes / courses offered at institute -

    Degree Duration Eligibility Total Seats Admission criterion
    B. Sc. (computer science) 3 Years XII Science Pass 80 Merit Based
  • Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise)

    Following are the Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) -

    Semester Credit and Semester based
    T.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science) F. Y. B. Sc & S.Y.B.Sc (Computer Science)
    40 marks external + 10 marks internal 50 Marks In-semester + 50 Marks End-Semester
  • Number of Teaching posts

    Following are the Number of Teaching posts -

    Sr. No. Designation Sanctioned Filled
    1 Assistant Professor (UG) - 05
  • Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization Teaching Staff (Non Aided): 05

    Following is the list of Faculty profile -

    Sr No Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience
    1 Kumbhar Bapu Tanaji M.C.S. Assistant Professor Computer Science 07
    2 Jadhav Monika Tushar M.Sc. Computer Science Assistant Professor Computer Science 05
    3 Patil Priyanka Atul M.Sc. Maths Assistant Professor Mathematics 03
  • Student Strength: Programme Wise

    Following is the Programme Wise Student Strength

    Class 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
    F.Y.B.Sc. 21 18 21 03
    S.Y.B.Sc. 18 20 11 13
    T.Y.B.Sc. 29 15 12 08
  • Student-Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

    Following is the Programme Wise Student-Teacher Ratio

    Sr No Name of the Programme Student Teacher Student-Teacher Ratio
    01 B.Sc.(comp sci) 24 04 F.Y.B.Sc., S.Y.B.Sc., T.Y.B.Sc. 6:1
  • Student profile programmes/course wise

    Following is the Programme Wise Student profile -

    Name of the course/programme Year Applications Received Selected Enrolled
    Male Female
    B.Sc. (Computer Science) 2017-18 68 68 24 45
    2018-19 97 97 28 25
    2019-20 44 44 22 22
    2020-21 24 24 12 12
  • Departmental Result

    Following is the Departmental Result of college -

    Year Name of the program Number of Students appeared in final year examination Number of students passed in final year examination
    2017-18 F.Y. B.Sc. 20 19
    S.Y. B.Sc. 31 04
    T.Y. B.Sc. 28 01
    2018-19 F.Y. B.Sc. 21 10
    S.Y. B.Sc. 14 03
    T.Y. B.Sc. 29 02
    2019-20 F.Y. B.Sc. 18 13
    S.Y. B.Sc. 17 01
    T.Y. B.Sc. 13 02
    2020-21 F.Y. B.Sc. 21 05
    S.Y. B.Sc. 11 00
    T.Y. B.Sc. 12 08
  • Details of infrastructural facilities

    a. Library: Central Library- Books for Computer Applications: 158

    b. Internet facilities for staff and students:
    1. Internet connection: Yes (Wifi Available)
    2. Computers: 20
    3. LCD Projector: 01
    4. Printer: 01

    c. Class rooms with ICT facility:Yes

    d. Laboratories:
    1. Computer Laboratory: 01
    2. Staff Cabin: 01

    e. Laboratory Safety Awareness:
    1. Safety awareness committee
    2. First aid box available
    3. Fire extinguisher available in each laboratory

  • Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

    1. Power-point presentations
    2. Quiz competitions
    3. Seminars
    4. Use of ICT, charts, models, specimens, etc.
    5. Surprise tests, Open Book test, group discussion etc.
  • Departmental Result

    Following is the Departmental Result of college -

    Year Name of the program Number of Students appeared in final year examination Number of students passed in final year examination
    2017-18 F.Y. B.Sc. 20 19
    S.Y. B.Sc. 31 04
    T.Y. B.Sc. 28 01
    2018-19 F.Y. B.Sc. 21 10
    S.Y. B.Sc. 14 03
    T.Y. B.Sc. 29 02
    2019-20 F.Y. B.Sc. 18 13
    S.Y. B.Sc. 17 01
    T.Y. B.Sc. 13 02
    2020-21 F.Y. B.Sc. 21 05
    S.Y. B.Sc. 11 00
    T.Y. B.Sc. 12 08
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