Department Of Botany

  • Name - Dr. S. M. Samudra
    Qualification -
    M. Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D.
    Mob No - 9890243602

    HOD's Message

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

    Welcome to the department of botany

    As the Head of the Department of Botany, I am delighted to extend warm greetings to all members of our esteemed students and college community.

    In our department, we are committed to fostering a dynamic and enriching learning environment where curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking thrive. Our dedicated & qualified faculty members bring a wealth of expertise and passion to their teaching, research, and mentorship endeavours. They are deeply invested in nurturing the next generation of Botanists and scholars who will contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society.

    Throughout the academic year, we endeavour to provide our students with a comprehensive education that not only equips them with a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of Botany but also encourages interdisciplinary exploration and the pursuit of innovative research opportunities. We believe in empowering our students to think critically, and make meaningful contributions to the scientific community.

    Furthermore, our department is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our academic and professional activities. We recognize the importance of fostering a welcoming and supportive environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered to excel.

    Best regards,
    Dr. S. M. Samudra
    Head, Department of Botany
    Late K.G. Kataria College Daund, (Pune)
  • Year of Establishment: 1999

    Names of Programmes / Courses offered
    UG Class
    B. Sc. F.Y. B.Sc. & S.Y. B.Sc.
  • Annual/ semester/choice-based credit system (Programme Wise)

    Programme Pattern Annual/ Semester Year of Implementation
    F.Y.B.Sc Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Semester 2019-20
    S.Y.B.Sc Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Semester 2020-21
  • Number of teaching posts

    Designation Sanctioned
    Assistant Professor 02
    Lab Assistant 01
    Lab Attendant 01
  • Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

    Sr. No

    Name of faculty


    Year of




    Experience in Years


    Dr. S.M. Samudra

    M.Sc. M.Phil., Ph.D.


    Principal & Head


    17 Years


    Mr. D.A. Tuwar

    M.Sc. SET, Ph.D. (Pursuing)


    Assistant Professor


    8 Years

  • Details of Infrastructural facilities

    Internet facilities for Staff & Students

    01 Computers with internet connectivity


    Laboratory with LCD Projector and Smart TV for F.Y. B.Sc. & S.Y. B.Sc.

  • Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

    > Special Guest Lectures
    > Use of Flow Chart
    > Interactive Teaching-learning Tools
    > Field visits
    > Use of LCD Projectors
    > Seminar
    > Demonstration experiments
    > Practicals
  • SWOC Analysis of the department and Future plans

    > Providing quality education to the rural students to meet global needs
    > Well equipped laboratory
    > Organizing Industrial visits and Excursion Tour
    > Qualified faculty

    > Subject has less scope in Industries
    > Unavailability of T.Y. B.Sc. Program

    > Strengthen research and publications
    > Organize workshops / seminar / conferences
    > To establish new certificate course for students which will help to be an entrepreneur

    > To increase high scientific approach among students
    > To link up the teaching learning process for global needs
    > To improve placement of the students
    > To initiate collaborative activities

    Future Plan
    > To start new career oriented course
    > To initiate collaborative / interdisciplinary activities
    > To increase student’s facilities
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